Directed by Jonna Volz
When I was asked to direct PARADISO, I was inspired. This story provokes an important conversation. I feel like, as Americans, we see abundance and waste all around us. The gap between wealth and poverty is growing. As a society, I believe it is our responsibility to take a harder look at what’s really happening below the surface. We must seek to understand. We need to be more careful with those who are in a fragile, economic situation. We can do better. LEARN MORE
THE LAND OF MILK AND HONEY came about in 2020 as a project I developed with 4 of my acting students. I co-produced and directed this project, working with some of the best talent in Springfield, MO. The actors and crew worked hard to make this film something we are very proud of. Take a look at the trailer and some behind-the-scenes footage of what it took to make this film happen in the middle of a Global Pandemic.